Premium sirloin steaks are cut from the centre section of the loin, the back of the beast. All the bones are removed, excess fat is trimmed and the gristle (the backstrap) that runs under the fat is also removed. Full of flavour & very tender. Sadly this is not the royal cut, there are plenty of stories that say an English King knighted a whole sirloin as he was so pleased with it – Sir Loin – it actually comes from the French Surloyne – meaning over loin, however we know you will enjoy them. The loins are aged on the bone in a cabinet lined with Himalayan rock salt for up to 6 weeks.
Your Say
The finest English Lamb producer
Rose Prince author & food journalist
Iconic Foods of the Decade – Dry Aged Beef from Thoroughly Wild Meat
Telegraph Weekend
No 1 Meat Suppliers for Christmas
Observer Food Monthly
Your meat was OUTSTANDING ! Everyone who ate it was bowled over. So thank you !
Debbie Major - Delicious Magazine
As ever, Andrew, you’re a winner all the way! That salmon-cut silverside from the Ruby Red beef is brilliant. And, superb value.
CT London
Just to say how delicious the ribs of beef were yesterday – It cooked very well, and I can’t remember when I last had such an enjoyable beef roast
RC London
We ate the Salt Marsh Lamb Chops tonight, OMG they are outstanding
FC Somerset
Sensational, the depth of flavour and soft succulence of texture in the leg of Lamb we had from you for our roast yesterday. The only word for it. Sensational.
CT London
the best Rib of Beef we have ever eaten
The Johnson Family, Bath