
The Thoroughly Wild Meat Company was established in 2003. It was set up by husband & wife team Andrew & Lavinia Moore with the sole aim of producing truly excellent meat. We took an old-fashioned approach to butchery, sourcing from hand-picked suppliers, only buying the best animals we could find. And we still do things the same way now.

We are well known for Salt Marsh Lamb & Mutton, dry aged Red Ruby Beef and Mangalitsa Pork. In fact though, we’re consistently adding new ideas for our customers to try, be it Vitellone Beef or products like Salsicce or Cotechino.

We also have a catering business (run by Lavinia) and you can find us at various festivals and foodie gatherings in the South West throughout the Summer

Our butchers shop can be found in the South Somerset market town of Castle Cary. Our actual butchery is based at The Bath & West Showground, just south of Bath. We can be found at Bath Farmer’s Market every Saturday morning.

Our home-delivery service is a well-oiled machine. We cut to order and ship our fresh meat to customers anywhere in the UK. The meat is prepared, vacuum-sealed and packed in boxes with ice.

If you wish to speak with us directly, perhaps if you have some specific questions, feel free to contact us.

Meanwhile, here’s a little more about our approach.

Top-Class Butchery:

Serious butchers are, hopefully, all useful with a knife. Here though, we constantly try to reach the next level, using seam butchery techniques, trimming as much as possible, achieving a perfect cut, removing anything extraneous. In this we are influenced by a more Continental style, especially Italian. Our customers need never trim or cut. Our products are “oven-ready”. And experience shows that when cooked and served, nothing is ever left on the plate…

Serious Sourcing:

Only a small number of farms produce the animals which can become the very best meat, animals which are naturally fed, well-looked after and of specific provenance. These elements make their way very clearly into the quality of the eventual meat and cannot be ignored. So, we choose only to buy from farmers we know and trust. Just a select few can supply us with specific breeds at the right times finished in a certain way. It’s not easy to find these fabulous suppliers, but we’ve managed it… and we pay a premium for the very best beasts, this is our fair trade.

Maturing the Meat:

We age our meat so that the flavour deepens and the texture improves. In particular our dry aged Beef is worlds apart from something produced in high volume and at speed. Skilled ageing is an utterly crucial factor in the creation of a memorable piece of meat. It’s a science and an art, really: different timings for different cuts; optimum humidity; ideal temperature; years of experience… We understand maturation and use it judiciously so that we only sell meat which is at its glorious best.